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Friday, August 12, 2011

Theme Analysis in “TO PAY PAUL”

The theme in this play is about a mysterious robbery. It’s mysterious because there are no broken thing when the money in the bank lost and without clue. Everybody thinks that is an inside job, and the staff start to blame everyone in the office. Mr. Paxton as the head office tries to investigate the case by himself and not just throwing the case to superintendent. He starts from checking file in the customer loan to find the strange thing in the report of the payment. After checking the file he also try to crack the case as he remember with Mr. Joy, one of the customer whose didn’t come when the bank asking him to the office but he come in the next day and have the sick reason about his absent from bank invitation. Mr. Joy repays the loan and tells Mr. Paxton where the money comes from. The money comes from selling of his mining. Mr. Paxton also given information by his accountant that Mr. Joy receive £2000 from selling his mining in Sydney, in his mind Mr. Paxton thinks how can be the mining sold twice. That is the big question for him. After a week there are a mail without the sender name who tell the location of the money of the robbery, the letter content tell if the money is in the superintendent garden and the superintendent found it exactly  as the letter order.
            Everybody think if the robber is Mr. Superintendent, because the location is in his own garden. In following day, Mr. Joy comes to the office to take the payment evident from the bank. And this moment is used by Mr. Paxton to interrogate Mr. Joy. Mr. Paxton act as the Robber is Mr. Joy, he explain how everybody in the office is confused and don’t know how the money can gone till the money found in the superintendent garden. He told how poor superintendent as the searcher and found the money in his own garden and everybody think superintendent is the robber. Mr. Joy leaves the office with a unreadable expression. In following week there is the letter again without sender and the sender tells not to blame Mr. Superintendent because he wasn’t the robber. And the letter also argued that the most important thing is the money is founded and if everybody guesses Mr. Superintendent the robber the letter want to take back the money which the cop found. The robber cannot arrest but, the money found. So the question is who’s exactly the robber? The story act as the robber is Mr. Joy but, what for because he receives much money from Sydney. And £500 is a little thing for him. So the robber is giving to the reader to claim who’s the robber in the story. And it was a funny robbery, because after robber the money, the robber returns back the money with sending the letter to the bank. And when everybody think superintendent is the robber. The mysterious robber sends the letter again to deny the superintendent as the robber.

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