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Friday, August 12, 2011

Phenomena of Art Cyber

A. What, how and why use art cyber

Art Cyber become popular since 2001 where the internet culture begins usual in everywhere. By internet, cyber art coming. However the new way to analyze made new changing in the entire art world. The scientist start to explore about it, the art criticism looks like found new theme to critics the books of literature.
While the growing of communication, art cyber increase. And the scientists are being busy to search what will and still happen by art cyber. Does the art cyber have the works of art, such newspaper art or books and where the art cyber come from?
Let’s just try to understand what the art cyber is. Cyber is cannot stand alone must with the other words as cyberspaces its mean the community of people where they use the computer. So, the meaning of art cyber is doing the art activity using the computer or internet. Cyber art was made new reality for the art scientist. If before the art cyber come, the scientists just have a book to explore. But now the art cyber is the new and effective way to explore. The scientist must know how to use an internet facility if they don’t want called the primitives scientist. And next, when they can operate and using art cyber the new work will come. But the work of art cyber is like the art copy. From here, the community of art cyber will found.
There are several things that make the writer using the art cyber. First, the writer wants to search the new style of creativity and want to leave the old tradition that bored. Second, they want to be popular. By art cyber the works of art can be read by all people around the world. Third, art cyber is used to hack the unsafe system which already exists. From several reasons, the art scientist can explore more details the reason of cyber writer, product cyber, and etc. the activity we can find in art cyber the benefits of art cyber every time, the increasing of art cyber from born till now, how good the works of art cyber, and the last the reader response.
B. The freedom of expression in Art cyber

Art cyber was made the imagination of writer free from rule; the writer can use his imagination as easy as he wants. In this media, there is no jail of creativity, as in newspaper art or book which already absurd. The consequences, the works of art become wild and run to the long adventures. This as afrizal malna did (Faruk, 2001:246). Afrizal can show the different work which sharp differences with Dorothea rosa herliana. Afrizal shows his poetry “poetry box” and there is the art installation which showing afrizal sitting in the closet water and in front of him a chair with face with him.
 This big experiment, though not a masterpiece cannot realize in a writing art (newspaper). Newspaper is an autocracy world. Its mean, the freedom of writer is limited. So, if ahmadun Y Herfanda said art cyber is as the throwing up of the newspaper art which already throwing to the dustbin. The art cyber community is doesn’t have the clear identity or quality because it is new. But, believe or not the reader is key success of the writer.
Art cyber is always has a unique things which always interest everybody. The acrobatic talent of writer will show the unique phenomenon for the art scientist. It is not just the technique information, but also the democratic problem of the art cyber community which attend the attention.
The meaning, the scientist need to proof the best things that are in art cyber, especially if compared with other media. In other media, as newspaper, budianta dkk.(2002:24). Said, all element of production will give big attention in development of the art. In every redaction the works of art will be editing if there are found the opinion that opposite with the redaction think. The result of works probably will lose and what the writer wants to inform the reader is being sensor. But, in art cyber the writer free to write anything and in anyway he want to create his works, without the editing of the redaction and the result still secure and the information which he want to inform will easy catch for the reader. Because of this point, community of art cyber is become the best method of writing without any rules system in creating a work.
Whatever it was, the art scientist need to thanks to art cyber. Because, it is the new field of searching in art. Art cyber will always exist to the future and probably will give a part in the entire element. if the high executive spare his spar time using an internet than the art cyber will read by them. And the statement that said if the art cyber is just consumptive by the unemployed and frustrate people will lose and even to the elite community. If this point was success, the art scientist will become really-really busy. Exit from the quality of art cyber, this phenomenon still become the mystery, and the enlightenment of the art world.

C. Conclusion

The phenomenon of art cyber is a next step to the enlightenment in art world. However, with art cyber there are many new writers will exist in make their works in the internet. No fear, no editing and no control and just become ourselves. Art cyber is not a games but it is the special regime.   

References      : Metodologi penelitian Sastra by: Suwardi Endraswara   

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