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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Independent Day INDONESIA

Today August 17, 2011 was the day of independent day for all the Indonesian people. How to treat the freedom of nation and established the meaning of freedom itself to the real freedom for all. Are we sure, we are really free as the people of the independent nation; the question is what exactly we can give to the beloved country in his 66th birthday. Giving the country our fully respects for the heroes, who was sacrificing everything they had to get the word Freedom. The founding fathers probably going to cry if they know the development of the country such stuck in a low mobilization.
            Corruption in entire sector of society, rarely found the people who can be trusted and capable in managing the nation to the bright future. All the current people in charge tend to discriminate people by its organization. Although, the people has right to be treat more properly. The distinction between the rich and the poor become wider. How we can be a super country if there is no ability of the man who we trust to give the people a better life.
            Today, we have to declare we have to see the freedom as the chance to build the country to be a leader in global environment. Burn away the differences we had, and keep the unity for a stronger country. Undress the crime, elaborate creativity, free our mind and give the best for our proudly nation INDONESIA.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wellcome Mr. Nazaruddin

One of the blessing in this fasting month appear in the August Thirteen or the thirteen fasting for the moslem people. Why I called it the blessing???? because Mr. Nazaruddin is a top most wanted by Indonesian police officer. after several month moved away from one country to another country, he was finally found in Bogota Columbia. how he can be so easy traveling around the world with his dirty money. many political Figures assuming that Mr. Nazaruddin is intentionally wanted to be found. it's indicate the process of arresting him is not a difficult job for Interpol to find him, not such the other wanted person in Interpol as Mrs. Nunun Nurbaiti.
in his journey to several country, Mr. Nazaruddin always tell everybody that he is an innocent person, he claim as the pion for the president of his old party. I found something funny while watching the television and hear the statement from his lawyer that told the press, if Mr. Nazaruddin blow up all the corruption case, the nation will be in a serious danger. how it can be????. all of Indonesian people will be very delighted if Mr. Nazaruddin blow up all the case of corruption including the real master plan of the action till all of the member who take in charge in burning people money. Mr. Nazaruddin also have to clarify everything he said in his runaway statement, in case to finally know who is the liar and which one the truth. be a man and face ur destiny.      

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Analysis of “The Waterfall” Poem By Henry Vaughan

The versification of Vaughan’s poem is unique and its need to analyze to know what the exactly the poem try to explain. The first section of the poem which if we see related to the waterfall form is the highest section of waterfall while the waterfall fall in down to the earth. And it’s constructed of three rhyming couplets of iambic pentameter, separated by several couplet of iambic dimeter. This section tries to describe if everything which happen in this world is not always right or not always wrong. Sometime the human can stand in the right place and the next day probably they stand in wrong place. The highest section is showing the life phenomenon in this world. The dead in life is not and end of our journey as the creature of god. But, the dead is the starting point in meeting with our lovely god. And we will know what the exactly will happen to us when we are passed away.

Many people think if dead is the end of our journey as the god creature, its not quietly right. Every problem we found there are the solution that has been ruled by god and how to solve the problem is depend on each individual itself. The last sentences of the first section” Rise to a longer course more bright and brave” implicitly shown we will find much better and strong life after got a lot of problem in our life. And we will more brave to face the life without complain and we already to be what we are and we might learn to thanks to god who has been create us as the best human in the world. But, the fact many people tend to forget about god and life as they will life forever in this world. They don’t care about the balance in life, they frustrate if they can’t solve the problem and suicide they think the best way to runaway from the problem. If everybody realizes how lucky us was created by god, the world will be full of happiness. The first section of the poem gives us the lesson to life as the best creatures of the god.   

The second section of the poem including the straight long lines to the end of the poem, which consist of unbroken, unvarying couplets iambic tetrameter. These sections try to explain if before we get the good life, we have to accept everything that god has given to us. This section has something to do with the relationship of human and nature. The straight lines describe when the human found what the real life is after the life in the world. Water is constantly flowing in all direction on the earth and reminds the poet that we will all flow back to the master who has created us, like while we have flowed from him in past. Humankind is mortal and someday every of human life will dead and the only one who immortal and surely that is our god. The second section also shows the waterfall as the compare of human and their destiny. As we found in the poem “Who came-Sure-from a sea of light” this give strengthen to human who has created is from one source that the sea of light. And than “why should frail flesh doubt any more that what God takes he’ll not restore” it’s mean that everything that god want to us, he just get it, we want it or not that is not a problem for god. The human just his playing toys in this world and the toys asked to play as their rules which god was disposed. And god just sits in his kingdom and watches the play of human kind.

The next, the poem describing that the water goes tumbling over the waterfall, the water crashes down violently as if it were destroyed. It is illustrated in the poem that the circle created by the falling water in the brook become invisible when they reach the bank, so does man eventually pass into invisibility, where his mainly freedom is finally located.

And the second sections also illustrate the relationship between the man and the nature. The idea being presented is that man can discover in nature some of the religious mysteries which he knows to exist in his relationship with deity. Or simply people will be able to find the religious meaning when he tries to understand and love the nature itself. The poem itself has a complex representation; they are the man’s ultimate religious destiny and the man’s ability to learn about the destiny through the excellent examination which they can get from the physical form of world.


This poem is really help us in finding what the exactly we want in this life, the narrator help us with putting the real good and simple word to make easier when we are going to analyze the poem. And using new criticism approach is tending to the meaning of the text of the poem itself. The New Critical approach insists on the value of  textual and rejects extra-textual sources. The New Critics also rejected the idea that the work of a critic or analyst is to determine what author's intended meaning. The New Critics prized tended to favor works that lend themselves to multiple interpretations. So the researcher probably will have different interpretation as their ability and knowledge of the imagination uses. So, this poem can be analyzed using the new criticism approach.
by: Iancyber

Theme Analysis in “TO PAY PAUL”

The theme in this play is about a mysterious robbery. It’s mysterious because there are no broken thing when the money in the bank lost and without clue. Everybody thinks that is an inside job, and the staff start to blame everyone in the office. Mr. Paxton as the head office tries to investigate the case by himself and not just throwing the case to superintendent. He starts from checking file in the customer loan to find the strange thing in the report of the payment. After checking the file he also try to crack the case as he remember with Mr. Joy, one of the customer whose didn’t come when the bank asking him to the office but he come in the next day and have the sick reason about his absent from bank invitation. Mr. Joy repays the loan and tells Mr. Paxton where the money comes from. The money comes from selling of his mining. Mr. Paxton also given information by his accountant that Mr. Joy receive £2000 from selling his mining in Sydney, in his mind Mr. Paxton thinks how can be the mining sold twice. That is the big question for him. After a week there are a mail without the sender name who tell the location of the money of the robbery, the letter content tell if the money is in the superintendent garden and the superintendent found it exactly  as the letter order.
            Everybody think if the robber is Mr. Superintendent, because the location is in his own garden. In following day, Mr. Joy comes to the office to take the payment evident from the bank. And this moment is used by Mr. Paxton to interrogate Mr. Joy. Mr. Paxton act as the Robber is Mr. Joy, he explain how everybody in the office is confused and don’t know how the money can gone till the money found in the superintendent garden. He told how poor superintendent as the searcher and found the money in his own garden and everybody think superintendent is the robber. Mr. Joy leaves the office with a unreadable expression. In following week there is the letter again without sender and the sender tells not to blame Mr. Superintendent because he wasn’t the robber. And the letter also argued that the most important thing is the money is founded and if everybody guesses Mr. Superintendent the robber the letter want to take back the money which the cop found. The robber cannot arrest but, the money found. So the question is who’s exactly the robber? The story act as the robber is Mr. Joy but, what for because he receives much money from Sydney. And £500 is a little thing for him. So the robber is giving to the reader to claim who’s the robber in the story. And it was a funny robbery, because after robber the money, the robber returns back the money with sending the letter to the bank. And when everybody think superintendent is the robber. The mysterious robber sends the letter again to deny the superintendent as the robber.

Phenomena of Art Cyber

A. What, how and why use art cyber

Art Cyber become popular since 2001 where the internet culture begins usual in everywhere. By internet, cyber art coming. However the new way to analyze made new changing in the entire art world. The scientist start to explore about it, the art criticism looks like found new theme to critics the books of literature.
While the growing of communication, art cyber increase. And the scientists are being busy to search what will and still happen by art cyber. Does the art cyber have the works of art, such newspaper art or books and where the art cyber come from?
Let’s just try to understand what the art cyber is. Cyber is cannot stand alone must with the other words as cyberspaces its mean the community of people where they use the computer. So, the meaning of art cyber is doing the art activity using the computer or internet. Cyber art was made new reality for the art scientist. If before the art cyber come, the scientists just have a book to explore. But now the art cyber is the new and effective way to explore. The scientist must know how to use an internet facility if they don’t want called the primitives scientist. And next, when they can operate and using art cyber the new work will come. But the work of art cyber is like the art copy. From here, the community of art cyber will found.
There are several things that make the writer using the art cyber. First, the writer wants to search the new style of creativity and want to leave the old tradition that bored. Second, they want to be popular. By art cyber the works of art can be read by all people around the world. Third, art cyber is used to hack the unsafe system which already exists. From several reasons, the art scientist can explore more details the reason of cyber writer, product cyber, and etc. the activity we can find in art cyber the benefits of art cyber every time, the increasing of art cyber from born till now, how good the works of art cyber, and the last the reader response.
B. The freedom of expression in Art cyber

Art cyber was made the imagination of writer free from rule; the writer can use his imagination as easy as he wants. In this media, there is no jail of creativity, as in newspaper art or book which already absurd. The consequences, the works of art become wild and run to the long adventures. This as afrizal malna did (Faruk, 2001:246). Afrizal can show the different work which sharp differences with Dorothea rosa herliana. Afrizal shows his poetry “poetry box” and there is the art installation which showing afrizal sitting in the closet water and in front of him a chair with face with him.
 This big experiment, though not a masterpiece cannot realize in a writing art (newspaper). Newspaper is an autocracy world. Its mean, the freedom of writer is limited. So, if ahmadun Y Herfanda said art cyber is as the throwing up of the newspaper art which already throwing to the dustbin. The art cyber community is doesn’t have the clear identity or quality because it is new. But, believe or not the reader is key success of the writer.
Art cyber is always has a unique things which always interest everybody. The acrobatic talent of writer will show the unique phenomenon for the art scientist. It is not just the technique information, but also the democratic problem of the art cyber community which attend the attention.
The meaning, the scientist need to proof the best things that are in art cyber, especially if compared with other media. In other media, as newspaper, budianta dkk.(2002:24). Said, all element of production will give big attention in development of the art. In every redaction the works of art will be editing if there are found the opinion that opposite with the redaction think. The result of works probably will lose and what the writer wants to inform the reader is being sensor. But, in art cyber the writer free to write anything and in anyway he want to create his works, without the editing of the redaction and the result still secure and the information which he want to inform will easy catch for the reader. Because of this point, community of art cyber is become the best method of writing without any rules system in creating a work.
Whatever it was, the art scientist need to thanks to art cyber. Because, it is the new field of searching in art. Art cyber will always exist to the future and probably will give a part in the entire element. if the high executive spare his spar time using an internet than the art cyber will read by them. And the statement that said if the art cyber is just consumptive by the unemployed and frustrate people will lose and even to the elite community. If this point was success, the art scientist will become really-really busy. Exit from the quality of art cyber, this phenomenon still become the mystery, and the enlightenment of the art world.

C. Conclusion

The phenomenon of art cyber is a next step to the enlightenment in art world. However, with art cyber there are many new writers will exist in make their works in the internet. No fear, no editing and no control and just become ourselves. Art cyber is not a games but it is the special regime.   

References      : Metodologi penelitian Sastra by: Suwardi Endraswara   

Analyzing the setting, theme, summary and comments of the story in “The Still Alarm”

v  Place: in a Hotel room
v  Surrounding: At the rear two windows, one on each side of a bed that extends downstage. At the right is a door that leads into hall; at the left is a door that leads into the adjoining room. There is a dresser in one corner, a telephone stand at the foot of the bed, a small table and several chairs downstage and left of the center, and another chair right of center.
The theme of this play is the main thing we have to care about is our safety..
The still alarm is a play telling about Bob, a businessman that stay at a hotel and met his old friend Ed and they are in conversation whiles the hotel on fire. They are friends from school, in their meeting after long time no see, they got the same accident. The hotel they are stayed on fire. Finally, they call the firemen and ask them to pick them out for leaving the hotel. But, while the firemen came, they don’t thinking to leave the hotel, the enjoy cigar and make conversation with the firemen without feel their own safety is on risk.
There are some comments of the Still alarm play. It begins with simply language that will make easy the readers in understanding the play. It is showed in dialogues by Bob and ed. Not only in language aspect, but also the style of the play is also interesting style. The story is unrealistic story. It could be seen in several dialogues. One of it is when they are enjoy the cigar while the hotel on fire, its uncommon moment where usually happen. It was crazy and funny not to do anything when we knew the place where we live is on fire. And in the ending of the play, the readers like the happy ending. Finally, all of the people in the hotel room enjoy cigar, and having fun with conversation.